Parts V & VI: March 15th - 21st
GOD’S INTERVENTION FOR HIS CHURCH and HIS PEOPLE --- Healing for the Wounded Heart
March 2021 Spiritual Growth/Care sheets for all ages.
The supplies you will need are your Bible, pen, paper, a rock, and a candle to light. This program is set up for small groups to do two section per week. Individuals are encouraged to do these sheets at their own pace also.
*Allow yourself a quiet two minutes to clear your mind. Pray to the Lord to open your heart, soul, and mind to hear what God is revealing to you during in each section of this session. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart when you feel led.
*The Lord’s Prayer
*Lighting of the Candle and Breath Prayer:
Spirit of God, Breathe on me.
Spirit of God, Pour out Your presence on me.
Spirit of God, Speak through Your word to me.
INTRO: A wounded heart occurs when someone or something brings hurt to your emotions.
"The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly" Proverbs 26:22.
V. HOW TO BEGIN THE HEALING {The Paper and The Pen}
a. You must give your heart to Jesus letting Him become your Lord. Romans 10:9, Philippians 2:9-10
b. If you have offended someone else, then you must confess your offense and ask them to forgive you. Matthew 5:23-24,I Peter 3:16
c. You must forgive (release) the person who has hurt you. Matthew 6:12, 14-15. You must put their judgment into God's hands and then ask God to forgive them for their offense toward you. Luke 23:24, Acts 7:60
d. Ask God to cleanse your heart of all wrong attitudes (anger, bitterness, lust, refusing to forgive those that hurt you, hate, revenge). Isaiah 1:18,51:10, I John 1:9
e. In faith ASK God to heal your heart in the name of Jesus.Ezekiel 36:26, John 16:23
f. As God heals your hurts, He will also give you a tender heart that will be sensitive to the hurts of others. Ezekiel 36:26,II Corinthians 5:18, Mark 5:19
VI. Give it all to God
Bring your Wounded Heart (The Rock) and/or All Your Wrong Attitudes/Sins (The Paper) and lay them at the foot of THE CROSS. As the congregation comes forward ---
Provide an opportunity for the anointing with oil at the Altar as well as prayer.Involve the ENTIRE CONGREGATION (Nursery Workers and Sunday School Teachers also) including the Small Children AND the Youth. Have these songs playingsoftly in the background: “I Need Thee Every Hour” and “Amazing Grace”.
God of all blessings,
source of all life,
giver of all grace:
We thank you for the gift of life:
for the breath
that sustains life,
for the food of this earth
that nurtures life,
for the love of family and friends
without which there would be no life.
We thank you for this day:
for life
and one more day to love,
for your grace
and one more experience of your presence,
for your promise:
to be with us,
to be our God,
and to give salvation.
For these, and all blessings,
we give you thanks, eternal, loving God,
through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
*Prayer of Discernment to God on what you read in each section. Ask God for his guidance on what you just read. Write your questions down if something needs further clarity or more prayer.
*Closing Benediction: “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” AMEN.
* Close your eyes after you blow out your candle. Relax for 5-10 minutes before you resume your daily routines.