Parts III & IV: March 8th - 14th
GOD’S INTERVENTION FOR HIS CHURCH and HIS PEOPLE --- Healing for the Wounded Heart
March 2021 Spiritual Growth/Care sheets for all ages.
The supplies you will need are your Bible, pen, paper, a rock, and a candle to light. This program is set up for small groups to do two section per week. Individuals are encouraged to do these sheets at their own pace also.
*Allow yourself a quiet two minutes to clear your mind. Pray to the Lord to open your heart, soul, and mind to hear what God is revealing to you during in each section of this session. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart when you feel led.
*The Lord’s Prayer
*Lighting of the Candle and Breath Prayer:
Spirit of God, Breathe on me.
Spirit of God, Pour out Your presence on me.
Spirit of God, Speak through Your word to me.
INTRO: A wounded heart occurs when someone or something brings hurt to your emotions.
"The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly" Proverbs 26:22.
a. Some people respond by backing away from the situation to allow time for healing. They often turn inward and brood over their hurts. The hurts become like a big sore risen just waiting for someone to prick it with a sharp word, then out comes all the corruption of anger, bitterness, hate, revenge, and fear. The rejection they then receive brings more hurts.
b. Other people respond by immediately striking back trying to balance their hurt with anger and revenge or by trying to protect themselves from further hurt to allow time for healing. However, scar tissue (hardness of heart) soon appears. As they enter into relationships, they are rejected for their hardness and receive more hurts. Please understand that one only receives healing through the intervention of God.
a. God cares about your broken heart. Psalms 34:18, 51:17
c. Jesus was sent to heal the broken hearted. Luke 4:18
d. Jesus, Himself, suffered all the hurts that one could suffer. Isaiah 53:1-12, John 1:11, Luke 22:57, 23:35-37, Matthew27:46
e. Through the suffering of Jesus, God has provided the healing for you hurts. Isaiah 53:5
f. It is God's desire to heal your hurts. I Peter 5:7
Christians need to be aware that victory has a price. Christians suffer wounds. We will not be victorious in battle without being wounded in the battle. We won’t be crowned unscathed for we know that as Christians the victory is never won without wounds and without scars (Christ Jesus and The Cross).
We need to be careful when we lose a round to Satan, to not quit, give up the fight. There is nothing wrong with losing a round here and there. But be careful you don’t just give up and quit.
Maybe you feel you can’t come back because you’ve sinned, you’ve compromised. REMEMBER IT HAPPENSTO EVERYONE. Read JOHN 3:16 if you have any doubts. Peter was wounded for failing the Lord. But he got back up, went on to victory but he went with a limp, with a wounded and a bruised heel, that was wounded while he was standing at the trial of Jesus, telling others he ever knew him. But Peter got back up. Moses, one of the greatest men of the Bible, was wounded when he disobeyed God and hit the rock rather than speak to it. He got tired of all the Jews complaining and bickering. Subtly he put himself on the same level as God. He was wounded but he got back up.
*Prayer of Discernment to God on what you read in each section. Ask God for his guidance on what you just read. Write your questions down if something needs further clarity or more prayer.
*Closing Benediction: “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” AMEN.
* Close your eyes after you blow out your candle. Relax for 5-10 minutes before you resume your daily routines.