Week Four (5/22 - 5/28)
Mark 8:35-36 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?
Your Praise Challenges for this week are listed below. Pick one challenge per day as you use your Bible to look up Scriptures and pray about what you read. Think about each challenge as you take time to be still and listen for what God is saying to you.
Praise Challenge: Who would accept a gift but never open it or use it? That would be silly, wouldn't it? But the sad thing is...it is happening. God has given us each a gift... of "life"... it is up to us to live that life the best we can. Make the most of it and always praise God for that gift.
Praise Challenge: (Genesis 1:27) So, God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. This means we were created good. We are made to be in a close relationship with God — to love God and love our neighbor, who is also created in the image of God. It also means God gave us some responsibility to be God’s representatives in the world, to be the caretakers of God’s creation. That is quite a challenge…are you up to it?
Praise Challenge: Man is to be the steward of the earth; the keeper of the animals. We are to reflect his character as we care for the earth, the animals, each other. Are you being a good steward? How we care for God’s creation is how we praise God.
Praise challenge: Do l love as God loved? There is the love of commitment, of caring and serving others, even the love of self-sacrifice for the good of another. That is the best use of the word “love”. I praise you God because you first loved me. Is our praise hollow if we accept God’s love but do not return it to others? If we are going to talk about our love for others, we first need to know about God’s love for us. That is how we know what love truly is. That is how we experience love, the real deal. That is how we receive love, more than enough, so that we have love to give away.
Praise Challenge: Pray...Heavenly Father, Your name is worthy of all praise and glory…for You forgive all my sins and heal all my diseases. You have redeemed me from death and crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercies. You fill my life with good things and my youth is renewed like the eagle's - great is Your faithfulness, all praise to Your holy name. AMEN.
Praise Challenge: Jesus is saying, “You have a soul, and your soul is of great value.” Your soul is your life—all that makes you the person you are. It is the seat of your memory, feelings, imagination, convictions, desires, and affections. Do not sacrifice your soul for worldly goods.