Introduction to the 2021 Spiritual Growth & Care Exercise

Posted on December 18, 2020.
Keeping on original

Dear Friends:


2020 has been a devastating year.  Some of you may have witnessed things that are overwhelming and impacted you in scarring psychological ways.

Here are some suggestions from me, a retired nurse, who has PTSD. These exercises will help you release your frustration and hopefully help you cope with this pandemic as 2021 approaches.

  1. Write a letter to COVID. Write how it has affected you as an individual, as a caregiver, and as a family unit. This is private and for your eyes only unless you decide to share it with others. Writing it down may be very difficult and make you angry and cry BUT those are good things to release in order to move forward.
  2. Write about ‘ how did you find rays of light in the darkest days of the pandemic’? What gives you HOPE? What are you GRATEFUL for in your life?
  3. Anticipate your future in 2021.What do you appreciate in your life? What little moments have you taken for granted? How are you going to change those aspects in 2021?
  1. Our pastor is Pastor Christy Suffecool at Mt. Tabor UMC. If you need to talk to someone please call the church office at 330-488-1842 and leave her a message. Our church is open; Sunday service is at 10:30am.

Spiritual Care is important for each of us. You are loved and cherished always and forever, dear friends!



Norma Link-Boughman, Spiritual Growth Coordinator

2021 Tuscarawas District UMW

Mt. Tabor UMC

East Canton, Ohio 44730
