INSTRUCTIONS for February 2021 Spiritual Growth Bible study for all ages

Posted on January 14, 2021.

INSTRUCTIONS for February 2021 Spiritual Growth Bible study for all ages.

Norma Link-Boughman, Spiritual Growth Coordinator, Tuscarawas District United Methodist Women


Dear Sisters and Brothers in JESUS CHRIST: There was an overwhelming response to the fall 2020 Bible study “REVEALED”, WEEKS ONE through FOUR. Many responses requested more of these mini Bible studies. These sessions are meant to do on your time at your own pace or with the format it is easy to share in small groups, in your homes, and outside the church walls with co-workers and friends.

I did a Bible Study “REVEALED” last summer that was offered by a pastoral mentor of mine via email. It has been very insightful, and it would be beneficial for all of us in terms of Spiritual Growth during these continuing uncertain times when some churches remain closed.


This 2021 Winter Spiritual Growth Bible study is“REVEALED, Part 2”which will start with WEEK FIVE.

The supplies you will need each week: Your Bible, a pencil or pen with notebook, a candle with lighter, and comfortable place to relax and absorb God’s word. I will be providing the Welcome, the “REVEALED, Part 2” Bible Study for the week, the words to any songs listed in program, and Closing Benediction weekly.


The format is set up if you gather in a small group; change the format if you are doing it by yourself:

* Welcome

* Quiet minute to clear your mind and prayer to the Lord to open your heart, soul, and mind to hear what God is revealing to you during each session.

* The Lord’s Prayer

* Lighting of the Candle and Breath Prayer:


Spirit of God, Breathe on me.

Spirit of God, Pour out Your presence on me.

Spirit of God, Speak through Your word to me.



* Reading the Bible Study “REVEALED, Part 2” and looking items up in your Bible. If in a group setting allow 15 minutes for quiet reflective time and individual Prayer of Discernment before any discussion begins.

* Prayer of Discernment to God on what you read. Ask God for his guidance on what you just read. Write your questions down if something needs further clarity or more prayer.

* Listen to or sing along to the hymn of the week; take quiet time to reflect the meaning of those words.

* If you did the Fall 2020 Bible study, ask yourself how your relationship with God amid these uncertain times has changed. Why have things changed? Write down your reaction to review and read your notes from Fall 2020 for further clarity or more prayer.

* Closing Benediction

* CLOSE YOUR EYES for 5-10 minutes and feel the love of each of your sisters and brothers in Christ wrapping their loving arms around you virtually.You are beautiful and one of a kind – YOU ARE GOD’S MASTERPIECE.

* Blow your candle out to end your quiet journey with God. God bless you until we meet again next week!