Update from the Board of Mt. Tabor

Posted on April 3, 2020.

As discussed at the 3/24 board conference call, the following steps have/will be taken to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.


  1. The church will remain closed until further notice---Sandy to post church closed signs on the doors with the church phone number.
  2. Sandy & I will contact groups that use the church to remind them that the church remains closed.
  3. Jillian to suspend codes to the door to all non- members to help keep the church closed.
  4. Only employees will be allowed in the church---others by invitation only.


Julie & Tim Brown have volunteered to sanitize the church, for about a week or so, starting Monday 4/6 at 1PM.  They will also leave a container of wipes, at the doors and at Sandy’s desk, along with a set of instructions from the CDC on how and what to wipe down to sanitize for COVID-19.


We are asking anyone that enters the church to take the wipes or bring some from home---(must be able to kill 99% of germs...like Lysol or bleach wipes)---and wipe everything down on their way out that they could have touched---like doorknobs, light switches, railings, desk, computers, toilet, sinks, etc.

Please help Mt Tabor by following these simple guidelines to help prevent anyone from getting sick.


The board will continue to address these issues on our weekly conference call.


Reggie McGee

Chairman of the Board