In-Person Worship Update

Posted on July 22, 2020.

In light of the governor’s announcement today we would like to share a brief update:

Mt. Tabor UMC will continue to gather in worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30, however, we will be supporting the mandatory masks order and requiring masks throughout our building.

While we understand that masks are not always comfortable or convenient, we also want to care for everyone that gathers with us. For that reason, we will continue to offer the option to join us via phone or Facebook live.

To access the stream via phone, simply dial 1-855-378-8822, and enter the password 732-976-398 followed by the # key. This will take you into a conference call where you can listen to the service.

To access the stream via Facebook, please use the following link:

No matter how you join us, we are thankful that you are a part of our community of faith. If you need any prayer or support during this time, please feel free to call the office.

We look forward to worshipping with you Sunday!